SPELL - S. cerevisiae - Dataset Listing
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Publication Num.
Brief Description PubMed ID
Yamane-Sando Y et al., 2014 1 Fpk1/2 kinases regulate cellular sphingoid long-chain base abundance and alter cellular resistance to LCB elevation or depletion. (details) 24510621
Yarragudi A et al., 2007 12 Genome-wide analysis of transcriptional dependence and probable target sites for Abf1 and Rap1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (details) 17158163
Yasokawa D et al., 2010 5 Toxicity of methanol and formaldehyde towards Saccharomyces cerevisiae as assessed by DNA microarray analysis. (details) 19499198
Ye J et al., 2005 6 Histone H4 lysine 91 acetylation a core domain modification associated with chromatin assembly. (details) 15808514
Yeang CH et al., 2005 7 Transcription factor deletions (details) 15998451
Yeh CS et al., 2017 2 The conserved AU dinucleotide at the 5' end of nascent U1 snRNA is optimized for the interaction with nuclear cap-binding-complex. (details) 28934473
Yiu G et al., 2008 6 Expression after 8 generations during replicative aging; 6 replicates (details) 18245757
Yiu G et al., 2008 7 Expression after 18-20 generations during replicative aging; 7 replicates (details) 18245757
Yiu G et al., 2008 7 Expression after 12 generations during replicative aging; 7 replicates (details) 18245757
Yiu G et al., 2008 7 Expression after one generation during replicative aging; 7 replicates (details) 18245757
Yona AH et al., 2012 40 Chromosomal duplication is a transient evolutionary solution to stress. (details) 23197825
Yoshimoto H et al., 2002 24 Response to Ca(2+) in calcineurin/Crz1 pathway regulated gene expression (details) 12058033
Yoshimoto H et al., 2002 16 Response to Na(+) in calcineurin/Crz1 pathway regulated gene expression (details) 12058033
Yu C et al., 2006 14 Contribution of the histone H3 and H4 amino termini to Gcn4p- and Gcn5p-mediated transcription in yeast. (details) 16461773
Yun CW et al., 2000 4 Iron uptake (details) 10744769
Zeng WY et al., 2017 12 Comparative transcriptomes reveal novel evolutionary strategies adopted by Saccharomyces cerevisiae with improved xylose utilization capability. (details) 28004152
Zeng WY et al., 2016 8 Transcriptomes of a xylose-utilizing industrial flocculating Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain cultured in media containing different sugar sources (details) 27485516
Zhang J et al., 2010 24 The beta-subunits of the Snf1 kinase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Gal83 and Sip2, but not Sip1, are redundant in glucose derepression and regulation of sterol biosynthesis. (details) 20545859
Zhang J et al., 2011 24 Mapping the interaction of Snf1 with TORC1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (details) 22068328
Zhang Y et al., 2015 10 ChiNet uncovers rewired transcription subnetworks in tolerant yeast for advanced biofuels conversion. (details) 25897127
Zheng W et al., 2010 48 Genetic analysis of variation in transcription factor binding in yeast. (details) 20237471
Zhou X et al., 2011 66 Integrated approaches reveal determinants of genome-wide binding and function of the transcription factor Pho4. (details) 21700227
Zhou Z et al., 2015 30 UV induced ubiquitination of the yeast Rad4-Rad23 complex promotes survival by regulating cellular dNTP pools. (details) 26150418
Zhu C et al., 2009 24 High-resolution DNA-binding specificity analysis of yeast transcription factors. (details) 19158363
Zhu G et al., 2000 26 Two yeast forkhead genes regulate the cell cycle and pseudohyphal growth. (details) 10894548
Zhu J et al., 2008 9 Integrating large-scale functional genomic data to dissect the complexity of yeast regulatory networks. (details) 18552845
Zhu X et al., 2015 6 Mediator tail subunits can form amyloid-like aggregates in vivo and affect stress response in yeast. (details) 26138482
Zhu X et al., 2017 4 Expression data from Saccharomyces cerevisiae upon honokiol treatment (details) 28499955