Citation |
Duc C, Pradal M, Sanchez I, Noble J, Tesnire C, Blondin B . A set of nutrient limitations trigger yeast cell death in a nitrogen-dependent manner during wine alcoholic fermentation
PLoS One, 2017. |
PubMed ID |
Short Description |
Transcriptomic response of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae EC1118 during wine alcoholic fermentation under unusual nutrient starvations |
# of Conditions |
72 |
Full Description
In order to asses yeast EC1118 strain expression changes during wine alcoholic fermentation triggered by various nutrient starvations, this experiment describes the gene expression under micronutrient starvations that lead to yeast cell death (oleic acid starvation, ergosterol starvation, pantothenic acid starvation and nicotinic starvation) or allow the maintenance of yeast viability (nitrogen starvation) |
fermentation, starvation, stress