Citation |
Gavalda S, Santos-Pereira JM, Garcia-Rubio ML, Luna R, Aguilera A . Excess of Yra1 RNA-Binding Factor Causes Transcription-Dependent Genome Instability, Replication Impairment and Telomere Shortening
PLoS Genet, 2016. |
PubMed ID |
Short Description |
Expression data from Saccharomyces cerevisae strains overexpressing RNA-binding hnRNP Yra1 |
# of Conditions |
6 |
Full Description
Transcription is a major obstacle for replication fork progression and a cause of genome instability. Such instability increases in mutants with an imbalance proportion of Yra1, a component of THO/TREX. We used microarrays to the global impact of Yra1 overexpression and found that no general impact was observed. |
transcriptional regulation