SPELL - S. cerevisiae - Dataset Listing
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Publication Num.
Brief Description PubMed ID
Anderson JB et al., 2009 46 Gene expression and evolution of antifungal drug resistance. (details) 19273689
Zheng W et al., 2010 48 Genetic analysis of variation in transcription factor binding in yeast. (details) 20237471
Sha W et al., 2013 48 The genome-wide early temporal response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to oxidative stress induced by cumene hydroperoxide. (details) 24073228
Simmons Kovacs LA et al., 2012 48 Cyclin-dependent kinases are regulators and effectors of oscillations driven by a transcription factor network. (details) 22306294
Li CM et al., 2006 48 A rapid genome-scale response of the transcriptional oscillator to perturbation reveals a period-doubling path to phenotypic change. (details) 17043222
Chin SL et al., 2012 49 Dynamics of oscillatory phenotypes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveal a network of genome-wide transcriptional oscillators. (details) 22289124
Pramila T et al., 2006 50 The Forkhead transcription factor Hcm1 regulates chromosome segregation genes and fills the S-phase gap in the transcriptional circuitry of the cell cycle. (details) 16912276
Gasch AP et al., 2001 52 Expression in response to DNA-damaging agents and role of the Mec1 signaling pathway (mec1, dun1 and crt1) (details) 11598186
Worley J et al., 2013 55 Inositol pyrophosphates regulate cell growth and the environmental stress response by activating the HDAC Rpd3L. (details) 23643537
Dion MF et al., 2005 55 Genomic characterization reveals a simple histone H4 acetylation code. (details) 15795371
Brion C et al., 2013 56 Differential adaptation to multi-stressed conditions of wine fermentation revealed by variations in yeast regulatory networks. (details) 24094006
Hao N et al., 2012 56 Signal-dependent dynamics of transcription factor translocation controls gene expression. (details) 22179789
Braberg H et al., 2013 57 From structure to systems: high-resolution, quantitative genetic analysis of RNA polymerase II. (details) 23932120
Shalem O et al., 2011 58 Transcriptome kinetics is governed by a genome-wide coupling of mRNA production and degradation: a role for RNA Pol II. (details) 21931566
Wang Y et al., 2002 58 Precision and functional specificity in mRNA decay. (details) 11972065
Orlando DA et al., 2008 60 Global control of cell-cycle transcription by coupled CDK and network oscillators. (details) 18463633
Travesa A et al., 2012 61 DNA replication stress differentially regulates G1/S genes via Rad53-dependent inactivation of Nrm1. (details) 22333915
Lu YJ et al., 2016 63 Karyotype analysis and whole genome gene expression analysis of evolved polyploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell lines (details) 27812096
Gresham D et al., 2008 63 The repertoire and dynamics of evolutionary adaptations to controlled nutrient-limited environments in yeast. (details) 19079573
Zhou X et al., 2011 66 Integrated approaches reveal determinants of genome-wide binding and function of the transcription factor Pho4. (details) 21700227
Baptista T et al., 2017 68 SAGA Is a General Cofactor for RNA Polymerase II Transcription (details) 28918903
Shapira M et al., 2004 70 Oxidative stress responses (details) 15371544
Jaehnig EJ et al., 2013 72 Checkpoint kinases regulate a global network of transcription factors in response to DNA damage. (details) 23810556
Duc C et al., 2017 72 Transcriptomic response of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae EC1118 during wine alcoholic fermentation under unusual nutrient starvations (details) 28922393
Aragon AD et al., 2006 78 Response of stationary phase cells to oxidative stress; 35 min time course, 1 min intervals (details) 16507144
Capaldi AP et al., 2008 85 Structure and function of a transcriptional network activated by the MAPK Hog1. (details) 18931682
Carter GW et al., 2007 90 Prediction of phenotype and gene expression for combinations of mutations. (details) 17389876
Landry CR et al., 2006 91 Genome-wide scan reveals that genetic variation for transcriptional plasticity in yeast is biased towards multi-copy and dispensable genes. (details) 16427747
Carter GW et al., 2012 96 Use of pleiotropy to model genetic interactions in a population. (details) 23071457
Guan Q et al., 2006 96 Impact of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay on the global expression profile of budding yeast. (details) 17166056