SPELL - S. cerevisiae - Dataset Listing
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Publication Num.
Brief Description PubMed ID
Busti S et al., 2012 18 Overexpression of Far1, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, induces a large transcriptional reprogramming in which RNA synthesis senses Far1 in a Sfp1-mediated way. (details) 21964263
Byeon B et al., 2013 3 The ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzyme Fun30 represses transcription by sliding promoter-proximal nucleosomes. (details) 23779104
Caba E et al., 2005 24 Genotoxic stress (details) 15878181
Cai Y et al., 2013 4 Effects of the yeast RNA-binding protein Whi3 on the half-life and abundance of CLN3 mRNA and other targets. (details) 24386402
Cain CW et al., 2012 8 A conserved transcriptional regulator governs fungal morphology in widely diverged species. (details) 22095082
Canadell D et al., 2015 3 Functional interactions between potassium and phosphate homeostasis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (details) 25425491
Canelas AB et al., 2010 12 Integrated multilaboratory systems biology reveals differences in protein metabolism between two reference yeast strains. (details) 21266995
Cap M et al., 2012 7 Cell differentiation within a yeast colony: metabolic and regulatory parallels with a tumor-affected organism. (details) 22560924
Capaldi AP et al., 2008 85 Structure and function of a transcriptional network activated by the MAPK Hog1. (details) 18931682
Carmel-Harel O et al., 2001 15 H2O2 exposure to wt and Deltatrr1 knockout (details) 11169101
Carroll AS et al., 2001 12 pho85 inhibition (details) 11675494
Carter GW et al., 2006 20 Disentangling information flow in the Ras-cAMP signaling network. (details) 16533914
Carter GW et al., 2012 96 Use of pleiotropy to model genetic interactions in a population. (details) 23071457
Carter GW et al., 2007 90 Prediction of phenotype and gene expression for combinations of mutations. (details) 17389876
Cary GA et al., 2015 14 Proteomic Analysis of Dhh1 Complexes Reveals a Role for Hsp40 Chaperone Ydj1 in Yeast P-Body Assembly. (details) 26392412
Casado C et al., 2011 16 The role of the protein kinase A pathway in the response to alkaline pH stress in yeast. (details) 21749328
Casamayor A et al., 2012 12 The role of the Snf1 kinase in the adaptive response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to alkaline pH stress. (details) 22372618
Causton HC et al., 2001 7 Peroxide response (details) 11179418
Causton HC et al., 2001 6 Sorbitol response (details) 11179418
Causton HC et al., 2001 11 Acid response (details) 11179418
Causton HC et al., 2001 8 Alkali response (details) 11179418
Causton HC et al., 2001 7 Heat response (details) 11179418
Causton HC et al., 2001 6 NaCl response (details) 11179418
Celaj A et al., 2017 10 Systematic identification of changes in the yeast protein interaction network in response to environmental, chemical, and genetic perturbation [transcriptome data] (details) 28705884
Celona B et al., 2011 6 Substantial histone reduction modulates genomewide nucleosomal occupancy and global transcriptional output. (details) 21738444
Celton M et al., 2012 3 A comparative transcriptomic, fluxomic and metabolomic analysis of the response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to increases in NADPH oxidation. (details) 22805527
Celton M et al., 2012 9 A comparative transcriptomic, fluxomic and metabolomic analysis of the response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to increases in NADPH oxidation. (details) 22805527
Chan K et al., 2008 5 Response of acetate grown cells to nitrogen (N2) gas-induced anoxia, 2 hr time course (details) 18708563
Chan K et al., 2008 5 Response of acetate grown cells to carbon monoxide (CO)-induced anoxia, 2 hr time course (details) 18708563
Chang M et al., 2013 1 Rck1 up-regulates Hog1 activity by down-regulating Slt2 activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (details) 24051094