SPELL - S. cerevisiae - Dataset Listing
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Publication Num.
Brief Description PubMed ID
Eser U et al., 2011 12 Commitment to a cellular transition precedes genome-wide transcriptional change. (details) 21855792
Eser U et al., 2011 8 Commitment to a cellular transition precedes genome-wide transcriptional change. (details) 21855792
Eser U et al., 2011 12 Commitment to a cellular transition precedes genome-wide transcriptional change. (details) 21855792
Parreiras LS et al., 2011 10 Cellular effects and epistasis among three determinants of adaptation in experimental populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (details) 21856932
Dymond JS et al., 2011 15 Synthetic chromosome arms function in yeast and generate phenotypic diversity by design. (details) 21918511
Shalem O et al., 2011 58 Transcriptome kinetics is governed by a genome-wide coupling of mRNA production and degradation: a role for RNA Pol II. (details) 21931566
Busti S et al., 2012 18 Overexpression of Far1, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, induces a large transcriptional reprogramming in which RNA synthesis senses Far1 in a Sfp1-mediated way. (details) 21964263
Ansari SA et al., 2012 21 Distinct role of Mediator tail module in regulation of SAGA-dependent, TATA-containing genes in yeast. (details) 21971086
Spedale G et al., 2012 12 Tight cooperation between Mot1p and NC2beta in regulating genome-wide transcription, repression of transcription following heat shock induction and genetic interaction with SAGA. (details) 21976730
Verzijlbergen KF et al., 2011 36 A barcode screen for epigenetic regulators reveals a role for the NuB4/HAT-B histone acetyltransferase complex in histone turnover. (details) 21998594
Penacho V et al., 2012 6 Flocculation and transcriptional adaptation to fermentation conditions in a recombinant wine yeast strain defective for KNR4/SMI1. (details) 22065482
Zhang J et al., 2011 24 Mapping the interaction of Snf1 with TORC1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (details) 22068328
Aparicio F et al., 2011 4 A plant virus movement protein regulates the Gcn2p kinase in budding yeast. (details) 22087310
Aparicio F et al., 2011 4 A plant virus movement protein regulates the Gcn2p kinase in budding yeast. (details) 22087310
Boender LG et al., 2011 11 Cellular responses of Saccharomyces cerevisiae at near-zero growth rates: transcriptome analysis of anaerobic retentostat cultures (details) 22093745
Cain CW et al., 2012 8 A conserved transcriptional regulator governs fungal morphology in widely diverged species. (details) 22095082
Uluisik I et al., 2011 3 Boron stress activates the general amino acid control mechanism and inhibits protein synthesis. (details) 22114689
Thibault G et al., 2011 15 The unfolded protein response supports cellular robustness as a broad-spectrum compensatory pathway. (details) 22143797
Arribere JA et al., 2011 8 Reconsidering movement of eukaryotic mRNAs between polysomes and P bodies. (details) 22152478
Levy S et al., 2011 16 The competitive advantage of a dual-transporter system. (details) 22158820
Hao N et al., 2012 56 Signal-dependent dynamics of transcription factor translocation controls gene expression. (details) 22179789
Vizoso-Vazquez A et al., 2012 12 Ixr1p and the control of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae hypoxic response. (details) 22189861
Prunuske AJ et al., 2012 3 Role for the molecular chaperones Zuo1 and Ssz1 in quorum sensing via activation of the transcription factor Pdr1. (details) 22203981
de Kok S et al., 2012 6 Laboratory evolution of new lactate transporter genes in a jen1Delta mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and their identification as ADY2 alleles by whole-genome resequencing and transcriptome analysis. (details) 22257278
Chin SL et al., 2012 49 Dynamics of oscillatory phenotypes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveal a network of genome-wide transcriptional oscillators. (details) 22289124
Chin SL et al., 2012 32 Dynamics of oscillatory phenotypes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveal a network of genome-wide transcriptional oscillators. (details) 22289124
Simmons Kovacs LA et al., 2012 48 Cyclin-dependent kinases are regulators and effectors of oscillations driven by a transcription factor network. (details) 22306294
Niles BJ et al., 2012 9 Plasma membrane recruitment and activation of the AGC kinase Ypk1 is mediated by target of rapamycin complex 2 (TORC2) and its effector proteins Slm1 and Slm2. (details) 22307609
Lin L et al., 2012 6 Analysis of Gal4-directed transcription activation using Tra1 mutants selectively defective for interaction with Gal4. (details) 22308403
Lin L et al., 2012 6 Analysis of Gal4-directed transcription activation using Tra1 mutants selectively defective for interaction with Gal4. (details) 22308403