SPELL - S. cerevisiae - Dataset Listing
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Publication Num.
Brief Description PubMed ID
Buck TM et al., 2015 8 Expression data from yeast heterologously expressing _ENaC, CFTR or Kir2.1 [Kir2.1] (details) 25759377
Buck TM et al., 2015 10 Expression data from yeast heterologously expressing _ENaC, CFTR or Kir2.1 [_ENaC] (details) 25759377
Choi KM et al., 2017 9 Expression data from yeasts under non-caloric restriction (NR), caloric restriction (CR) and rapamycin treatment (RM) (details) 28329151
Borde V et al., 2009 7 Expression during meiosis in a clb5 clb6 double-deletion mutant deficient in meiotic replication; 8 hr time course (details) 19078966
Borde V et al., 2009 7 Expression during meiosis in a spo11-Y135F mutant deficient in meiotic DSB formation; 8 hr time course (details) 19078966
Borde V et al., 2009 7 Expression during meiosis; 8 hr time course (details) 19078966
Chu S et al., 1998 7 Expression during sporulation, 11 hr time course (details) 9784122
DeRisi JL et al., 1997 7 Expression during the diauxic shift, 20.5 hr time course (details) 9381177
Travers KJ et al., 2000 10 Expression during the unfolded protein response (details) 10847680
Aragon AD et al., 2008 368 Expression in 101 differentiated quiescent and non-quiescent deletion mutants from stationary phase cultures; some replicates (details) 18199684
Parra MA et al., 2007 6 Expression in a histone H2A N-terminal deletion mutant compared to wildtype; 3 replicates (details) 17724083
Parra MA et al., 2007 6 Expression in a histone H2A N-terminal K4, K7 acetylation defective mutant compared to wildtype; 3 replicates (details) 17724083
Aragon AD et al., 2008 26 Expression in differentiated quiescent and non-quiescent BY4742 cells from stationary-phase cultures; 10 replicates (details) 18199684
Aragon AD et al., 2008 20 Expression in differentiated quiescent and non-quiescent S288C cells from stationary-phase cultures; 10 replicates (details) 18199684
Roberts CJ et al., 2000 7 Expression in response to alpha-factor (over time) (details) 10657304
Roberts CJ et al., 2000 8 Expression in response to alpha-factor (various concentrations) (details) 10657304
Lai LC et al., 2006 24 Expression in response to anoxia (0 - 6 generations) and subsequent reoxygenation (6 - 7.6 generations) in galactose (details) 16963631
Lai LC et al., 2006 24 Expression in response to anoxia (0 - 6 generations) and subsequent reoxygenation (6 - 7.6 generations) in glucose (details) 16963631
Haugen AC et al., 2004 4 Expression in response to arsenic (time and dose) (details) 15575969
Gasch AP et al., 2001 52 Expression in response to DNA-damaging agents and role of the Mec1 signaling pathway (mec1, dun1 and crt1) (details) 11598186
Wyrick JJ et al., 1999 7 Expression in response to histone depletion (details) 10586882
Smith JJ et al., 2002 8 Expression in response to peroxisome induction and repression (details) 12135984
Lyons TJ et al., 2000 9 Expression in response to varying zinc levels in wild type and zap1 null mutant (details) 10884426
Huang J et al., 2004 10 Expression in the presence of small-molecule inhibitors of rapamycin (SMIRs) (details) 15539461
Garca-Rodrguez N et al., 2015 6 Expression profile from Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains deleted for PMR1 treated with 5mM CaCl2 (details) 25713143
Penheiter KL et al., 2005 6 Expression profiles after repressible PAF1 shutoff; 8 hr time course (details) 16246724
Penheiter KL et al., 2005 5 Expression profiles of isogenic wild type, paf1 and ctr9 null mutants (details) 16246724
Boender LG et al., 2011 10 Extreme calorie restriction and energy source starvation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae represent distinct physiological states. (details) 21803078
Olesen K et al., 2002 12 Fermentation time course (details) 12702272
Prinz S et al., 2004 10 Filamentous-form growth on solid media time course (details) 14993204