SPELL - S. cerevisiae - Dataset Listing
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Publication Num.
Brief Description PubMed ID
Garcia-Martinez J et al., 2016 6 Genomic Run On (GRO): determination of the nascent transcriptional rates in a series of Hrp1 mutants. (details) 26717982
Garcia-Martinez J et al., 2016 18 Genomic Run On (GRO): determination of the nascent transcriptional rates and mRNA levels in several yeast mutants. (details) 26717982
Garcia-Martinez J et al., 2021 10 Recruitment of Xrn1 to stress-induced genes allows efficient transcription by controlling RNA polymerase II backtracking. (details) 33258404
Garcia-Oliver E et al., 2013 32 A novel role for Sem1 and TREX-2 in transcription involves their impact on recruitment and H2B deubiquitylation activity of SAGA. (details) 23599000
Garcia-Rodriguez N et al., 2012 6 Impaired manganese metabolism causes mitotic misregulation. (details) 22493290
Gardner RG et al., 2005 24 ubp10 C371S/dot4-1 and ubp10-delta94-250/dot4-5 ubiquitin protease mutants (details) 15988024
Gardner RG et al., 2005 18 ubp10/dot4, ubp8 single and ubp10/dot4 ubp8 double null ubiquitin protease mutants (details) 15988024
Gardner RG et al., 2005 12 Degradation-mediated protein quality control in the nucleus. (details) 15797381
Garrido-Godino AI et al., 2016 18 Transcriptomic study in RNA pol II foot mutants (details) 27001033
Gasch AP et al., 2000 6 Response to hyperosmotic shock (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 5 Response to hypoosmotic shock (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 9 Response to menadione; 160 min time course (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 9 Response to nitrogen depletion, 3 day time course (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 10 Response to stationary phase; 13 days (y13) (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 9 Response to stationary phase; 5 days (y14) (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 5 Response to various temperatures at steady state (y13) (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 8 Response to various temperatures at steady state (y14) (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 4 Heat shock 29C to 33C, 20 min; 90 min time course (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 5 Heat shock 29C to 33C, 20 min; 60 min time course (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 5 Heat shock 37C to 25C, 20 min; 90 min time course (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 6 Mild heat shock 29C to 33C with sorbitol (5, 10 and 30 min) (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 6 Heat shock from various temperatures to 37C (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 8 Response to dithiothreitol; 3 hr time course (y13) (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 7 Response to dithiothreitol; 8 hr time course (y14) (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 9 Response to hydrogen peroxide; 160 min time course (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 8 Heat shock 25C to 37C, 20 min; 80 min time course (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 6 Response to different carbon sources (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 8 Response to diamide; 90 min time course (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2000 5 Response to amino acid and adenine starvation; 6 hr time course (details) 11102521
Gasch AP et al., 2001 52 Expression in response to DNA-damaging agents and role of the Mec1 signaling pathway (mec1, dun1 and crt1) (details) 11598186