SPELL - S. cerevisiae - Dataset Details
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Citation Kemmeren P, Sameith K, van de Pasch LA, Benschop JJ, Lenstra TL, Margaritis T, O'Duibhir E, Apweiler E, van Wageningen S, Ko CW, van Heesch S, Kashani MM, Ampatziadis-Michailidis G, Brok MO, Brabers NA, Miles AJ, Bouwmeester D, van Hooff SR, van Bakel H, Sluiters E, Bakker LV, Snel B, Lijnzaad P, van Leenen D, Groot Koerkamp MJ, Holstege FC. Large-scale genetic perturbations reveal regulatory networks and an abundance of gene-specific repressors. Cell, 2014.
PubMed ID 24766815
Short Description Large-scale genetic perturbations reveal regulatory networks and an abundance of gene-specific repressors; yeast wt-matA pool - plate reader
# of Conditions 20
Full Description 1316625150_help To understand regulatory systems, it would be useful to uniformly determine how different components contribute to the expression of all other genes. We therefore monitored mRNA expression genome-wide, for individual deletions of one-quarter of yeast genes, focusing on (putative) regulators. The resulting genetic perturbation signatures reflect many different properties. These include the architecture of protein complexes and pathways, identification of expression changes compatible with viability, and the varying responsiveness to genetic perturbation. The data are assembled into a genetic perturbation network that shows different connectivities for different classes of regulators. Four feed-forward loop (FFL) types are overrepresented, including incoherent type 2 FFLs that likely represent feedback. Systematic transcription factor classification shows a surprisingly high abundance of gene-specific repressors, suggesting that yeast chromatin is not as generally restrictive to transcription as is often assumed. The data set is useful for studying individual genes and for discovering properties of an entire regulatory system.
Tags 1316625150_help
genome variation